Saturday, February 26, 2011

Have a cupcake

So my latest project, I did because I just so happen to be rather short.  And  I have gotten tired of not being able to reach the top shelf (or middle shelf for that matter) in my kitchen cabinets.  So I decided to wanted a stool, but not just any stool. It had to be cute, and go with the cupcake theme I already have going. So I decided to paint one myself. So I just picked up a plain wooden stool at AC Moore. Then I  got to work.

First I penciled it on, then I went over that with my dremel to carve it out a little. Then started painting it with Acrylics. Of course I added iridescent medium to the paints because I'm a sucker for glitter. 

Then outlined the whole thing with black to make it stand out. Then sealed it with a high gloss. And even the cat approves (Thats Cammy) 

And look it works. makes me as tall as my fiancĂ©e, who happens to be 6'. So now I can reach! (sorry I never wear matching socks, just my thing) 
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