Tuesday, September 11, 2012

You Mean You Wash your Diapers

You mean you wash your diapers in the same washer you wash your clothes!? How gross! 

Lets get real here. Its really not gross. Isn't it just as gross to toss diapers full of poop in a trash can? Or how about when those disposable diapers leak onto your baby's clothes. Do you throw the pooped or peed on clothes in the trash?

No. You throw it where? You mean in the washer you wash your clothes in!? 
Why yes, yes you would do that. No big deal. 

Cloth diapers really are no different. In the big scheme of things. Now I'm not bashing disposable diaper users. All diapers have there place in the world. But don't say you couldn't do cloth because its gross. It really isn't. 
When my wet bag looks full like this, it gets hauled down to the laundry room

With a baby that is exclusively breastfed, you can take that diaper, pop it in your "wet bag" (or where ever you choose) and then dump it into your washer. If you do a cold soak, rinse and spin. All that yuck will rinse right off and be gone. Then do a hot wash with your preferred cloth diaper detergent. Mine happens to be  Eco Sprout

Some people go all out and make a wash routine super complicated. I try not to make things more trouble than they really are. I do a cold soak/rinse/spin. Then a hot wash, with an extra cold rinse. See not really much work. 

Have stains? Put that diaper out in the sun! I line dry all of my pocket covers as often as I can. (you know if its raining I pop them in the dryer on low heat) And if any of my prefolds or inserts get gross I line dry them too! I've heard you can even put lemon juice on there to help the sun out. 

See don't make things more complicated or gross than they really are! 
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